Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Have a tea break in Fortuna Cafe

People always say, the best brands are always the household brands.. Chinese people always call it Lau Zhao Pai meaning 'old sign board'.. literally..

Anyway, what i am about to share with everyone is going to make you drool.. so here's the warning.. excessive drooling may occur to viewers, so if it is approaching brunch hour or tea time, please view other posts in

This place is Fortuna Cafe, located in the old streets of Miri, near the Sin Liang Supermarket..

Fortuna Cafe boasts to have one of the best Roti Kahwin in town.. and before i move in straight to the bread, let me show you how the place roughly looks like...

Husband and wife fixing their specialty behind the workspace..

I often patronize the Cafe with my dad and several colleagues, usually during tea hours to get a chill after tedious day at work.. we would just have a sit at any corner, and order the usual delicacies..

First comes the Kahwin 'C'.. Kahwin means marry, or just to simply put it, mixing.. This cup contains green beans, barley, sago and milk for the 'C'.. It tastes so good that sometimes you just can't help it to get another serving..

A close up look at the contents of the Kahwin 'C'..

Next up, the specialty of the shop.. The Roti Kahwin.. Again, kahwin is used, but actually it just means having a pair being put together, in which in this case are the breads.. Two pieces of bread put together with butter and coconut jam, often known as 'Kaya' is spread in between...

Again, a close up at the bread.. you can see the melting butter ooozing out... *drools..

And taking a bite, which sends you to a temporary 'seventh-heaven' state.. in human language.. 'orgasmic'.. *do not mistake me for reaching orgasm so easily over few pieces of bread... i am just using that word to describe roughly how my feelings was then...

Then comes something you would usually have for breakfast, which i had for tea that time.. Boiled eggs... welol timed and nicely flavoured.. *actually, flavouring was done by myself..


Heck, being a slow paced community, Mirians tend to start drinking beer around 4 pm.. so around tea time you can start seeing some kicking off with a few bottle of Heiniken or Tiger beers...

Well, enough for this post.. the boss is looking at me with a suspicious look.. so i'd better stop snapping photos and start finishing my chow on the table...

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