Thursday, November 09, 2006

NTU Feedbacks.. lol

While chatting with Chin, he shared with me this super-hilarious video from You-Tube, which i believe i cannot sleep if i don't share it.. here goes...

LOL... i wish i dared to do that when i was in Curtin..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Perhaps, i've discovered the positive note of working.. is that i have such free time to post the following entry... -_-b


To all Employees:
Effective January 2007
Dress Code
1. It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a pay raise.
2. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise.
3. If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a pay raise.

Sick Days
We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness.
If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

Holiday Days
Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday & Sunday.

Compassionate Leave
This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements.
In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet Use
1. Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the cubicles.
2. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the cubicle door will open, and your picture will be taken.
3. After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.
4. Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.

Lunch Break
1. Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy.

2. Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.

3. Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company. Remember we are an employer of choice and we are here to provide a positive employment experience.

Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.
... LOL..

Friday, November 03, 2006

Go.. STRIP??

Being crazy enough to take this photo in public, and posting it up.. priceless..

Thanks adrian for this fantastic pic.. i really like the feel.. haha.. Also, credit to GIODARNO for such unique advertorial..

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Guessing game..

Well, alot of things happened today, but one thing in particular that happened made a great impact to me, which resulted in this post..

Of course, if I tell it out straight, it would not be fun, so I've decided to make it into a 'Guessing Game'.. and today, let's guess: 'What did I not do?'..

So the story started off like this..

Today, a fine Thursday morning, I did my usual errands.. As an insurance agent by profession (*ahem) it is my duty to go around to see people and talk about, yes you are right, insurance..

Anyway, I met up with a client, together with my dad (also my boss and manager..) and decided to have a drink in Tasty Point, opposite Mega Hotel.. We sat down, I ordered chinese tea, the client kopi O (meaning coffee in black, with sugar and no milk) and my dad ordered a cup of milo. The client is a bank officer, which bank, i shall not disclose to protect his identity (cos what we did not do i quite a crime actually, and hey, we did not purposely gang up to commit it..)

We talked mainly about investments, market trends of unit trusts (I guess part of his job is selling UT..) and a bit on recruitment.. we chatted for about 45 minutes and being a busy man, my client had to move on to do his work..

We stood up.. shook hands, exchanged name cards and moved on to our offices...

So the question is...... 'What did we not do??'

Take a guess.....

Answer: We did not pay the bills.. O_o

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

.. Mempunyai keluarga yang aman damai dan tidak berperang..

Kids, don't try this at school....
Random posting.. LOL