Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another 'un'inspiring day..

Last night, i slept at 2 am.. no wonder i am having hallucinations in the office..

i lifted my arms, yawned..

As i looked up, i saw my hands..

i should say, they are indeed beautiful..

Wanna Slap?

I have this lovely pair of gifts for almost 23 years now (by the way.. i'm 22).. No doubts they have given me all the joy and pain in all these years..

I played all sorts of games with it..


I had accidents with it..

Ouch: And i thought McGuyver was a genius..

Of course.. i've had wonderful moments with it..

So, As all creations of God has its own functions, what do these protruding individuals, a.k.a. fingers really do?

So let me tell you..

Thumbs, our most useful member, is used to make thumb prints.. (chinese: 拇指打印... Well, in CSI, it often betrays the master..)

Good ah?!

The index finger, is famous for, in chinese saying, poke people's back.. (chinese: 捅您的背后.. )

This way! *poke*

The middle finger, if absolutely IMPORTANT for expressing ourselves, as it helps us 'ask your mother's well-being' (chinese: 问后您的老母.. )

How's auntie doing?

Our fourth finger, they call it the 'sweet' finger in Malay, is often used for putting on our wedding ring.. how sweet.. (chinese: 佩带婚戒.. )

Symbol of tie: Beginning of torture, end of single life..

And finally, last but not least our most important Mr. Little finger, is utmost important for its function of cleaning our nose (chinese: 掘鼻子.. nose miner..)

Even the best gold miners have to give way to this little guy..

So, as these 'un'inspiring thoughts filled my day, i hope that this will help cheer your day instead..

All these are inspired from my idol, Mr. Stephen Chow, in one of his very lame 90's cantonese movie.. Thanks Stephen, you really coloured up my life..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ey! i like the last digging nose...but the article it self is really nice...make me laugh tho =0p