Tuesday, December 25, 2007

2007 moving to 2008...


Have you ever dreamed of a white Christmas? I'd prefer to celebrate it in the tropical weather..


As I'm writing off the final chapters of my '2007 chronicles', I slowly plot the storylines for the next book '2008'. Looking back, the year's been full of ups and downs, memories and nightmares. I'd guess that nothing is perfect in the world, each and every experience is an opportunity to learn new things, to measure your character and to test perseverance.

Today, as everyone is happily getting wasted on the Christmas night, I'd stay in front of my reliable lappy to reflect on my highlights and perhaps some of my lowlights which happened in the last 360 days. I guess, in another 5 days or so, I'd need to set myself a new path, direction to make sure what happened before does not repeat itself.

Nevertheless, I believe that life itself should be celebrated, other occasions are just reasons to make life richer, more memorable and most importantly celebrate gratitude to life and to everyone contributing to our lives.

Neglect all the nonsense above, as it is past bed-time and my mind is now set to auto-pilot. So, what I ACTUALLY want to say is MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my family members, my lads and pals, my acquaintances, people who know me but I don't know them and yadda-yadda. All the best to all of you and thank you all for making me who I am today in the final days of 2007. May it be good times or bad times, I thank you all for painting some part in my book of '2007'.

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