Monday, May 11, 2009

Men tries to copy God's work..

De-stressing again.....

Cloning is often the issue brought up when it comes to humankind trying to play God.. out of which, some believe cloning is a scientific marvel, can save lives; while the opposite counterparts believe it is catastrophe, which may lead to the disruption of life cycle.

Anyways, there are early stages of cloning of which we witness quite often, and these two 'different' beings, although are individual beings, but the share similar facial traits and characteristics..

Goalkeeper Gomez of Tottenham and... Count Von Count of Sesame Street!!!

Obviously they look similar in facial.. Although skin colour varies, it could be due to the mutation of his genes during the process, but, the other surprising similarities are their similar characteristics: liking to COUNT!

Gomez: Counts goals conceded..

Von Count: Counts almost ANYTHING... WTF!!

Anyway, salute to you for reading this nonsense.. till then..

1 cookie,

2 cookies,

3 cookies...

Thanks Mark, for such nonsensical inspiration... LOL..

Friday, May 08, 2009

Dentures: Hello world! (Use some glue man...)

Time to de-stress... lol

Try not be too emo... This is a pure classic....

P/S: Try watching this with full blast volume, and watch it over and over again for like 10 times...

*Ranting in Korean... Blurt.. Hi dentures..


Monday, May 04, 2009

Dictating ruler in the making.. or future performer?

I'm as stressed out as the kid.. trust me..

*Arrgh Prrr.. ahh prrr... prrrr ahhh berrr.. prrr.... %@#!&

Heck... those guys thought he's preaching... I really beg to differ.. he sounds more angry than inspiring.. lol..