Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Yeap, another one of Jay's post.. Recently he is co-starred a chinese movie with the veteran star Chow Yun Fatt and Gong Li, The City of Golden Armour (a.k.a. The curse of The Golden Flower..) Anyway, remember the previous post i did on his latest album? One of the song became the soundtrack of this movie, Chrysanthemum Bed (菊花台).. A slow and nice song.. and here are the lyrics..
菊花台 (Ju hua tai)
Composer: Jay Chou (周杰倫) (周杰伦) Lyricist: Vincent Fang (方文山) (方文山)
你 ni 的 de 淚 lei 光 guang
柔 rou 弱 ruo 中 zhong 帶 dai 傷 shang
慘 can 白 bai 的 de 月 yue 彎 wan 彎 wan
勾 gou 住 zhu 過 guo 往 wang
夜 ye 太 tai 漫 man 長 chang
凝 ning 結 jie 成 cheng 了 le 霜 shuang
是 shi 誰 shui 在 zai 閣 ge 樓 lou 上 shang
冰 bing 冷 leng 的 de 絕 jue 望 wang
雨 yu 輕 qing 輕 qing 彈 dan
朱 zhu 紅 hong 色 se 的 de 窗 chuang
我 wo 一 yi 生 sheng 在 zai 紙 zhi 上 shang
被 bei 風 feng 吹 chui 亂 luan
夢 meng 在 zai 遠 yuan 方 fang
化 hua 成 cheng 一 yi 縷 lü 香 xiang
隨 sui 風 feng 飄 piao 散 san
你 ni 的 de 模 mo 樣 yang
菊 ju 花 hua 殘 can
滿 man 地 di 傷 shang
你 ni 的 de 笑 xiao 容 rong 已 yi 泛 fan 黃 huang
花 hua 落 luo 人 ren 斷 duan 腸 chang
我 wo 心 xin 事 shi 靜 jing 靜 jing 淌 tang
北 bei 風 feng 亂 luan
夜 ye 未 wei 央 yang
你 ni 的 de 影 ying 子 zi 剪 jian 不 bu 斷 duan
徒 tu 留 liu 我 wo 孤 gu 單 dan
在 zai 湖 hu 面 mian
成 cheng 雙 shuang
(2nd Verse)
花 hua 已 yi 向 xiang 晚 wan
飄 piao 落 luo 了 le 燦 can 爛 lan
凋 diao 謝 xie 的 de 世 shi 道 dao 上 shang
命 ming 運 yun 不 bu 堪 kan
愁 chou 莫 mo 渡 du 江 jiang
秋 qiu 心 xin 拆 chai 兩 liang 半 ban
怕 pa 你 ni 上 shang 不 bu 了 liao
岸 an 一 yi 輩 bei 子 zi 搖 yao 晃 huang
誰 shui 的 de 江 jiang 山 shan
馬 ma 蹄 ti 聲 sheng 狂 kuang 亂 luan
我 wo 一 yi 身 shen 的 de 戎 rong 裝 zhuang
呼 hu 嘯 xiao 滄 cang 桑 sang
天 tian 微 wei 微 wei 亮 liang
你 ni 輕 qing 聲 sheng 的 de 歎 tan
一 yi 夜 ye 惆 chou 悵 chang
如 ru 此 ci 委 wei 婉 wan
菊 ju 花 hua 殘 can
滿 man 地 di 傷 shang
你 ni 的 de 笑 xiao 容 rong 已 yi 泛 fan 黃 huang
花 hua 落 luo 人 ren 斷 duan 腸 chang
我 wo 心 xin 事 shi 靜 jing 靜 jing 淌 tang
北 bei 風 feng 亂 luan
夜 ye 未 wei 央 yang
你 ni 的 de 影 ying 子 zi 剪 jian 不 bu 斷 duan
徒 tu 留 liu 我 wo 孤 gu 單 dan
在 zai 湖 hu 面 mian
成 cheng 雙 shuang
Of course, this is a good help to bananas who likes this song.. the song lyrics is from www.jaychoustudio.com..
Saturday, December 16, 2006
The 4 Best Friends!
The stories begin.....
Once upon a time in Curtin.... (*aiyak tis is not Disney story*). Okok so the stories starts like this. How WE met? Wow! incredible, come to think of it, WE are actually from different courses. REalyy!! Is like 1 from Marketing & Finance, 1 from Accounting & Finance, 1 from Finace & Management and 1 from Marketing & Management.
The memories that WE have created is so much so that i will cherish it forever. Now that everyone has graduated i juz want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!
All the Best to our future. Go! Go! Go!
Keep in touch. Friends AlwayZ.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Reconstruction in progress

Guys and girls, people of all ages.. as you can see, the site is experiencing a minor overhaul (actually not so serious).. as the moderator of this blog finds it quite plain so he decided to add in some colour.. and hope to change the design a bit..
Well, the progress can be seen from time to time but not to worry, we will try our very best to make it look good...
signing out.. ah minghui..
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Changing phase in life..
Anyway.. what i wanna say here is... CONGRATS!! to all who did well for the finals.. and all the best in all your future undertakings.. :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ixora Team Spirit!!!
I tell you honestly, i tot this group was like 'tak chek' group man. Gosh! when i saw them i was like, WHAT! another quiet group. Hai~~~~
(I was the sadess person on earth at that time) *no offence me groupy* hahaha :)
HOwever, this turn 360 i tell u. It was the most AMAZING group i have came across. Superb indeed i must say. Oh! i like the team spirit and the teamwork they showed especially during the asid river game.

everybody was working hard as u can SEE.

if not wrong, me think we are brainstorming on what to do next :p
I am kinda short of pictures, most of the pictures are not with me. So i guess that's it for the Ixora team. Will miss this group very much, and i will always cherish the moment we had. hahaha.. All the best to you all me groupies....
RYLA Camp!!
Me is back to civilization. Went to RYLA camp. Stayed in the Iban long house was juz a great experience. 'O.M.G' was fantastic. I have never been to such a wonderful camp.(Me think is bcoz Me always go for diciplinary camps) hahahaha... cool. First of all, Me would like to introduce Me most outgoing group IXORA (picture below) Oh! did u see the ONLY guy there... Did U?? That is our TEAM leader. :p

Apart from having juz 'a' group we had a sub-group which is called 'The Gang' cosist of me (missing in the pic), violet, angeline and the 'Boar' family. Below is the picture.
Above are juz some of the pictures in camp. Sweet memories as well as erm... how should i put it.... erm... "INTERESTING" stories??? (eg: the 'STUCK' liaw story, 'RIP' story, 'Ku Cik' story, the great LEADERSHIP story,etc. )
hahaa.. i guess some of those attended the camp would understand what i meant. Muahahaha... *EVIL* hahaha....*EVIL*
Well, I miss everybody so so so much.
Hey everyone is more than welcome to give comments. Especially those who attended the camp. hahaha... Adios for now.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Have a tea break in Fortuna Cafe
Anyway, what i am about to share with everyone is going to make you drool.. so here's the warning.. excessive drooling may occur to viewers, so if it is approaching brunch hour or tea time, please view other posts in therubbishbin.blogspot.com..
This place is Fortuna Cafe, located in the old streets of Miri, near the Sin Liang Supermarket..
Fortuna Cafe boasts to have one of the best Roti Kahwin in town.. and before i move in straight to the bread, let me show you how the place roughly looks like...
Husband and wife fixing their specialty behind the workspace..
I often patronize the Cafe with my dad and several colleagues, usually during tea hours to get a chill after tedious day at work.. we would just have a sit at any corner, and order the usual delicacies..
First comes the Kahwin 'C'.. Kahwin means marry, or just to simply put it, mixing.. This cup contains green beans, barley, sago and milk for the 'C'.. It tastes so good that sometimes you just can't help it to get another serving..
A close up look at the contents of the Kahwin 'C'..
Next up, the specialty of the shop.. The Roti Kahwin.. Again, kahwin is used, but actually it just means having a pair being put together, in which in this case are the breads.. Two pieces of bread put together with butter and coconut jam, often known as 'Kaya' is spread in between...
Again, a close up at the bread.. you can see the melting butter ooozing out... *drools..
And taking a bite, which sends you to a temporary 'seventh-heaven' state.. in human language.. 'orgasmic'.. *do not mistake me for reaching orgasm so easily over few pieces of bread... i am just using that word to describe roughly how my feelings was then...
Then comes something you would usually have for breakfast, which i had for tea that time.. Boiled eggs... welol timed and nicely flavoured.. *actually, flavouring was done by myself..
Heck, being a slow paced community, Mirians tend to start drinking beer around 4 pm.. so around tea time you can start seeing some kicking off with a few bottle of Heiniken or Tiger beers...
Well, enough for this post.. the boss is looking at me with a suspicious look.. so i'd better stop snapping photos and start finishing my chow on the table...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The happenings.. in the month of November
Lots had been happening last month, which includes a break-in into my office, good friends departing and some cool dudes returning for the summer holidays, getting my first try on an AFRO.. here is a review for the volatile month of November..
1) Break-in of the office..
Dude, after waking up early one Monday morning what would you expect? Of course a good cup of coffee to kick start your day, nice smile from the counter ladies from my office front desk etc. etc..
I saw the office counter lady standing outside looking at the sliding windows.. Curious as always, i came down my car to pak kuah a while..
Then i see it..
Blardy-chau-l*-k*a!! they broke into my office and stole my lap-top and projector! the lost is estimated RM8k, and to make things worse, only MY stuffs are gone.. nothing else is lost.. damn it!

This is where my laptop once was.. Being a genius, those petty thieves took the laptop without the power cable and battery.. *sighs..
A broken-into office table.. it seems that they found out that nothing valuable is in the drawers, so they opened one, and decided to leave the rest alone.. smart...
This is how they gained access.. small arm perhaps? But my guess was proven true from the hand print on the sliding window, which the police didn't even bother to look at.. bloody kids..
The room next door went through some ransacking.. but nothing was taken away..
So, how did i take this? Terrible, 'cos ironically, as an insurance agency, we didn't buy theft insurance for this case.. so... out of RM8K, we claimed NONE...
2) So-called farewell dinner for my homies..
The exam was over for my homies, we've decided to come together to have perhaps my last dinner with them, while they are still here in Miri..
Instead of the regular place at PONG'S, we decided to switch out tastebuds to move on to Siamese Secrets..
I would have to say.. the environment was really good.. eating there is really comfy, with a relaxing ambience with nice service (and the young waitress was pretty sweet too... *ahem..).. Anyway, let's emphasize on the food..
First up.. the lamb chop ordered by Violet the Mallet.. Nice.... taste nice.. and so is the decor too.. makes me drool even though the picture is taken using a 1.3 mega-pixel phone cam..
Next up, the chicken chop, ordered by Leslie the Parsley (Leslie Goh).... again, nice decor and hey.. the chicken is so well grilled that it tasted so... chicken..
Coming up, the fish and chips.. Emmeline the Vaseline, decided to hit on the fish and chips (which actually I wanted to order, but she came on first in the queue.. what the heck..).. One of the masterpieces, nice looking and tasted good as well.. the fish they used.. dory i think.. hmm.. whatever..
Ahh... i cannot stop drooling..
And for myself.. the PIZZA! Hmm.. they call it the chef's pick and i find it not bad.. heavy on cheese and nicely spiced up with a thick fragrance of olive and herbs.. ah.. i can still remember the taste today...
Hey, i didnt finish it by myself k.. i passed some to the rest too.. sharing is caring... haa...
3) Head on with an AFRO
Ever felt how it was to be in a fluffy Afro? Well, let me tell you.. it is very attention-attracting..
My dude Yip Huat the dunno-wat came back from Oz few days back and he had a gift for me which is pretty out of the ordinary.. The last time was a boomerang, which Ngee Huat's bro, Ngee Kai flew it into the bush and was never found.. Now is an Afro!
I tell you, i can really feel that i raised a bar in fashion in Miri!
I drove around with this funky hair-do around Seberkas (Pasar Malam).. The only thing i failed to do is not creating attention to such unique hair..
When i reached home, even my mom was astonished, and i decided to present her the pose of a life-time for the next Mother's Day...
What else can i do, unless to self-shock with such good opportunity??
and my quote of my lifetime.. sharing is caring... Shared the fun with Teddie..

So, this sums up my life for month of November.. perhaps it's just not that bad after all..
And to my homies, Emmeline and Violet, enjoy your holidays and all the best for your results.. :)~